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National Center on Intensive Intervention Resources: Intensive Intervention

Do you want to know how to “close skill gaps” or how to “intensify instruction” for students with disabilities?  If you do, the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) is a wonderful resource to use!  NCII features the data-based individualization (DBI) research-based process to intensify Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions using the following model:

Data-Based Individualization

  • Validated Intervention Program: The DBI process builds on an evidence-based and standardized intervention delivered with fidelity.dbi
  • Progress Monitor: At this step, staff regularly collect and analyze progress-monitoring data to determine if the student is responding to the validated intervention.
  • Diagnostic Data: At this step, staff use diagnostic data to develop a hypothesis about why the student is struggling.
  • Intervention Adaptation: The hypothesis, along with educator expertise, is used to develop an individual student plan for modifying or adapting the intervention to better meet the student’s individual needs.
  • Progress Monitor: Progress-monitoring data continue to be collected, graphed, and analyzed to determine if the student is responding to adapted intervention.

This five-step process is used to determine the individual needs of a student in order to provide strategic intensified individualized instruction.  The website provides additional information and tools to assist implementation at each step in the DBI process.

Who needs DBI?

DBI is intended to help a small subgroup of individual students who:

  1. Are not making adequate progress in their current intervention program (often a Tier 2, evidence-based intervention);
  2. Are not meeting individualized education program (IEP) goals;
  3. Have a persistently low academic achievement; or one that interferes with learning;
  4. Have high-intensity/frequency behaviors.

(NCII, 2018)

The NCII provides educators with resources to teach students who are unable to access the general education curriculum through Tier 1 instruction.  These research-based practices can assist educators in closing skill gaps and intensifying instruction for students with disabilities.

Additional Resources


National Center on Intensive Intervention. (2018, December). Intensive intervention.Retrieved from

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