Students with and without disabilities are expected to master grade-level standards. For students with disabilities who are eligible for special education services, an individualized educational program (IEP) provides academic and behavioral supports designed to level the playing field and create opportunities to succeed in the general education curriculum (Florida Department of Education, 2013). While IEPs should be standards-based, they are not verbatim restatements of grade-level standards or lists of standards from lower grades (Virginia Department of Education, 2011). The annual goals stated in an IEP should be based on the student’s present level of performance and should provide a detailed structure for assisting the student in building the skills required to meet the demands of grade-level standards. This detailed structure is the foundation for specially designed instruction (SDI) (Batsche, 2015).
Well-designed and coordinated SDI requires close collaboration between general and special education teachers. Thus, the combined knowledge and unique skills of all the educators who provide instruction for students with disabilities are essential to the effective planning and delivery of SDI (Batsche, 2015). Students with disabilities may receive additional layers of instructional support from multiple service providers. In a multi-tiered system, all students receive Tier 1 instruction in the general education classroom. Tier 1 instruction is expected to meet the needs of at least 80% of the students without additional supports. When Tier 1 instruction does not achieve the desired results, students may receive supplemental instruction through Tier 2 targeted supports. Out of those approximately 20% of students, about 5% will require more intensive individualized intervention in Tier 3 in addition to the support being provided in Tier 1 and Tier 2 (Batsche, 2013). It is critical that services being provided by multiple educators across tiers be connected and coordinated to ensure that skill gaps are closed (see Figure 1). The layering of supports provides a more intensive learning experience and maximizes the benefits of specially designed instruction.
Figure 1. Multi-tiered system.
(Adapted from Batsche, 2013)
Determining student involvement is critical when evaluating the effectiveness of co-planned academic and behavioral supports across Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Thus, educators must consider whether the student can articulate and apply the connections between supports, as illustrated below. If the student experiences disconnected learning, skill gaps are not likely to be closed (Batsche, 2013).
An example of connected specially designed instruction across tiers might be a focus on word study skills that are initiated during Tier 3 intervention. The special education teacher assesses the student’s word study skills and determines a starting point for word feature instruction. The selected word features are incorporated into Tier 2 supports, and practice turns and application are built into Tier 1 instruction when the student is asked to identify the word features in leveled text. This kind of coordination eliminates the possibility that the student is working on different word features when working with different service providers and increases the likelihood of accelerating progress and closing skill gaps. The focus of instruction across tiers might come from Tier 3 or be driven by Tier 1 grade-level curriculum goals. The key is to ensure that the focus skills are reinforced consistently across tiers.
Batsche (2013) outlined a framework for integrating instruction in a multi-tiered system of support. This framework helps educators to align resources, service providers, and standards-based instructional objectives so students experience connected and coordinated learning (see Table 1).
Table 1
Integrating Instruction in a Multi-Tiered System of Support
Element |
What? |
Who? |
Tier 1
Meeting Preparation |
In advance of the meeting,
All service providers:
Meeting Activities
General education teachers |
General education teachers | |
General education teachers | |
All service providers:
All service providers:
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Follow-Up Meeting |
Tier 2 & Tier 3 providers:
(Adapted from Batsche, 2013)
A grade-level standard specific example of the agenda followed in a Tier 2 and Tier 3 follow-up meeting to align instruction with Tier 1 is provided in Table 2. This example demonstrates the need to integrate strategies and prioritize the use of time across all three tiers of support. This kind of systematic planning and coordination requires concerted effort and collaboration; however, it will increase the likelihood of improved outcomes for students with disabilities and help general and special educators monitor student progress data that inform ongoing instructional planning.
Table 2
Tier 2 and 3 Planning Meeting Considerations
Grade-Level Standard |
3.3 The student will apply word-analysis skills when reading. b) Decode regular multisyllabic words |
Tier 2 & 3 |
Tier 1 |
Batsche, G. (2015, June). Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). Symposium conducted at the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities meeting, Rockville, MD. Retrieved from
Batsche, G. (2013, December). Implementing the Virginia tiered system of supports (VTSS): District/school level action planning. In C. Cave & T. Manthey (Chairs), Virginia tiered system of supports (VTSS) professional learning. Symposium conducted at the Virginia Department of Education VTSS Cohort Pilot Training. Richmond, VA. Retrieved from
Florida Department of Education. (2013). What is “special” about special education? Specially designed instruction for students with disabilities within a multi-tiered system of supports. Retrieved from
Virginia Department of Education. (2011). Guidance document: Standards-based individualized educational program (IEP). Retrieved from